Huntcliff Lodge 4539

About Us


We are a diverse organisation that benefits from the diverse crossection of our society.

Freemasonry is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, open to those of all backgrounds.

We empower our members to be the best they can be, both for themselves and for society around them.

As a Freemason, you will form new bonds with people that share your values. Are you ready to meet new people and make a difference?

The Board has been asked to give guidance on the relationship between Freemasonry and Religion following recent Press reports of a reaffirmation by the Vatican of its ban on Roman Catholics becoming Freemasons.

Grand Lodge approved the following statement in September 1962 and the Board sees no reason to recommend any variation to it.


The Board has been giving the most earnest consideration to this subject, being convinced that it is of fundamental importance to the reputation and well-being of English Freemasonry that no misunderstanding should exist inside or outside the Craft.

It cannot be too strongly asserted that Masonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for religion. Masonry seeks to inculcate in its members a standard of conduct and behaviour which it believes to be acceptable to all creeds, but studiously refrains from intervening in the field of dogma or theology. Masonry, therefore, is not a competitor with religion though in the sphere of human conduct it may be hoped that its teaching will be complementary to that of religion. On the other hand its basic requirement that every member of the Order shall believe in a Supreme Being and the stress laid upon his duty towards Him should be sufficient evidence to all but the wilfully prejudiced that Masonry is an upholder of religion since it both requires a man to have some form of religious belief before he can be admitted as a Mason, and expects him when admitted to go on practising his religion.
Adrian Marsh
Grand Secretary



Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, nonpolitical, fraternal and charitable organisations.

For many, its biggest draw is the fact that members come from all walks of life and meet as equals whatever their race, religion or socio-economic position in society. Its values are based on integrity, friendship and charity. Freemasonry is intended to offer those who are members the opportunity to make themselves ‘better individuals’ and to demonstrate to others that they are kind, caring and considerate to their families, those in their workplace and all those less fortunate than themselves.

About Freemasonry
Freemasonry is the oldest fraternal organization for men in the world, and its organizational structure shows its age. The basic organizational unit of the fraternity is the Lodge. We believe the term comes from the Lodges (shelters) constructed at the building sites of cathedrals and castles during the Middle Ages. Masons worked and lived in these shelters.
Each Lodge is headed by an officer called the “Worshipful Master.” “Worshipful” means “highly respected” or “honored.” The term comes from the judicial system of England and carries no religious implication. “Master” means “leader” or “best qualified,” as in “Concert Master” or “Master Architect.”
Each officer of a Lodge has a title that originated during the Middle Ages. These titles may vary somewhat from state to state, but in general the officers and their contemporary equivalents are:
Worshipful Master–President
Senior Warden–1st Vice President
Junior Warden–2nd Vice President
Treasurer–Financial Officer
Secretary: Recorder
DC: Master of Ceremonies
Deacon: Messenger
Steward: Page
Tyler: Door Keeper
Chaplain: Chaplain
Until 1717, each Lodge of Masons was autonomous. On June 24, 1717, four of the Lodges operating in London met together to form the first Grand Lodge of England. It became the first administrative or policy-making body of Freemasonry.

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