Huntcliff Lodge 4539

A Night of Surprises at Hazelgrove Lodge Saltburn



A Night of Surprises at Hazelgrove Lodge Saltburn

Hazelgrove Lodge No 6542 held it Christmas meeting on 21st December at Saltburn Masonic Hall.

The Lodge business had planned for a couple of items which included a presentation of the full 1st Degree Tracing Board by Bro Daniel Stevens JD     which was a superb piece of ritual and delivered without any hesitations or prompts.

This was followed by a another excellent presentation of a Grand Lodge Certificate by W. Bro Jim Lackenby.

A surprise came later when the Worshipful Master explained there was another item of business which was not on the agenda and asked W.Bro Colin Reynolds to take a seat in the centre of the Lodge.

Then W.Bro Pat Cambage PAGDC/DepGS on behalf of the RWPGM greeted WBro Colin with a Birthday card and best wishes for his 88th Birthday (16th Dec) and then presented  him with two framed certificates.   One was for 65 year in Freemasonry,   and the other was the RWPGM’s certificate of Merit,  for continuous service to the Province and to Hazelgrove Lodge in particular.            Colin was taken totally by surprise,  and only a handful of people were aware of the plan        The presentations were met with rapturous applause and it was clear that all the brethren in attendance from Hazelgrove, Sister and others Lodges held           WBro. Colin in very high esteem.

The after meeting was a joyful event with excellent Christmas fair, and more surprises which included carol signing and a surprise visit from Santa bearing gifts.         A brilliant evening and a total surprise for WBro.  Colin.  Thoroughly deserved and it could not have been for a better mason and a fantastic person.        narrative:  WBro.Pat Cambage photos: WBro.John Rees

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