Huntcliff Lodge 4539

Roseberry Lodge of Installed Masters (RLIM)

ROSEBERRY Lodge of Installed Masters.              Installation January 2024

On the 22nd of January, 2024, Roseberry L.I.M. held its Annual Installation when WBro. Paul Cegla J.P.   P.P.J.G.W   Prov G Org. was Installed as the Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

The Ceremony was conducted by WBro. Ian Williams P.P.J.G.W.        who delivered a faultless performance of the Installation.                        The Lodge room was filled to capacity, especially as the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Dr David Chambers was present with a team of active officers. There were also some 10 Grand Officers present, and when added to the former number of Brethren, seen 72 Brethren dining at the festive board, now that’s a number we’ve heard somewhere before in Chapter meetings! A pleasing aspect of the occasion was the attendance of six Master Masons who were treated to the splendour and pageantry of the whole evening. It is rare to have Master Masons visit R.L.I.M. since most tend to think they cannot attend a Past Masters Lodge, but that is a misconception which needs to be corrected.
A notable event of the evening was the ‘retirement’ of WBro. David Whisson as the Secretary of the Lodge. He had served the lodge for many years as Secretary and has aided and guided a long line of masters through their year and together with his wife June, organised the summer lunches. David was presented with a bottle of his favourite tipple and an engraved glass as a memento of his years as Secretary.
After the toasts and speeches, the Brethren departed in ‘Love and Harmony’ to their homes throughout the Province with the satisfaction of a well spent evening. ( narrative WBro. Paul Cegla )
         photos:   John Rees

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